Friday, July 20, 2012

You've discovered Bound by Words!

This baby has been months in the making, and not design-wise, but from my brain and heart and soul to finally creating the page-wise. Books are (almost) my entire existence, and finding and sharing that passion with other like-minds has become a new found love and hobby. Who knew the world, nevermind my very own CITY, held people who lusted after and thrived on devouring the printed word as much as I do, and have, for as long as I can remember.

So this is an introduction, a hello, a welcome, an I'm-new-to-the-neighbourhood post:
My name is Reeka, and I'm a proud book fiend.

From this point forward, I will be posting all things book-related, as well as daily(hopefully) reviews of books, new and old. I'm a bit rusty with the ins and outs of the coding world, so bare with me as I find stable ground..and then I'll be off and running! I look forward to meeting book lovers the world over, and I can't WAIT to start sharing one of the most treasured and fed parts of my self, the part of me that is wholly comsumed by words and the things that bind them...books!! =)

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